PBS The Princess Bride Watch Online

The Princess Bride PBS



Chris Sarandon genres=Adventure, Fantasy average Rating=8,7 of 10 stars story=The Princess Bride is a movie starring Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, and Robin Wright. While home sick in bed, a young boy"s grandfather reads him the story of a farmboy-turned-pirate who encounters numerous obstacles, enemies and Runtime=98 minute

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INCONCEIVABLE. AS. YOU. WISH. My All-time favorite Movie right there. And oh god, Westley is adorable. One of my all time favorite movies <3 Got a little teary watching this, lol. One of the best films ever. This is my all time favourite movie and this is exactly what I needed for my life. Its like theyre taunting the audience- “André is hard enough to understand to begin with, so lets have him speak the majority of his lines in this scene while being choked!”.

Cary Elwes will always be remembered for this movie. Not Saw

I haven"t watched the whole movie (I know, bad me) but she always known he didn"t have a moustache, correct. 25 years later we are still talking about this movie,why do you think that is. Who doesnt love a fairytale. 8:16 :idealistic culture warrior 8:19 the handler. The fact that Andre couldn"t be there is truly heart - breaking. Hello, My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die! ??. Your constant bringing back of Miracle Max (the greatest character in cinematic history) makes me too happy. I love this movie so much. I know every word by heart.

Half expected to see a round of cheese rolling down the hill with them

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. So amazing seeing this reunion again! I have a feeling Cary and Robin had crushes on eachother in that movie, especially after she said she thought he was so cute! lol I was hoping to see Fred Savage for the reunion. He was in everything growing up.


